Linear Regression Software - Free Download Linear Regression - Top 4 Download

Linear Regression search results

Nonlinear regression - CurveFitter 4.5.70

CurveFitter performs statistical regression analysis to estimate the values of parameters for linear, multivariate, polynomial, exponential and nonlinear functions. The regression analysis determines the values of the parameters that ... set which can include a wide array of linear and nonlinear models for any application. Its state-of-the-art ...

InterReg 3.2.2

Interpolation and Regression are fundamental and important calculations in mathematics. Mr. Newton and Mr. Gauss were engaged in-depth with numerical solutions for these problems. Today, there are improved algorithms, that can solve such tasks. InterReg allows you to do such complex calculations just with some point-and-click. So this program is ...
software award

Nonlinear analysis - DataFitting 1.7.71

... is a powerful statistical analysis program that performs linear and nonlinear regression analysis (i.e. curve fitting). DataFitting determines the values ... a set of data values. DataFitting can handle linear, polynomial, exponential, and general nonlinear functions. DataFitting performs true nonlinear regression analysis, it does not transform the function into a linear form. As a result, it can handle functions ...
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... calculate tabular data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering. Rt-Plot enables ... series in graph, unlimited number of calculated lines, linear regression, polynomial, non linear regression,interpolation, smoothing, differential, integral, calculations can use statistical weights, ... points, function interpreter for calculating columns and non linear functions, graph fully customizable, secondary axis at top ...

Predictive Analytics Tool 1.0

... methods to their *.csv or *.xlsx data: - Linear Regression - Logistic Regression - Decision Tree Classification Manuals and sample datas are included. In statistics, linear regression is a linear approach to modelling the relationship between a scalar ...

PSPP 1.6.2

... analyze sampled data and perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, linear regression, and non-parametric tests. PSPP lets you compute variables, ... environment. PSPP can perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, linear regression and non-parametric tests. Its backend is designed to ...

UltimaCalc 4.1.941

... plots), find the roots of polynomials, solve simultaneous linear and non-linear equations, calculate standard deviations and other statistics, solve triangles, create graphs and charts. UltimaCalc is designed for usability. The main window is a calculator with an amazing 38 digits of precision. You can make the window transparent when inactive ...

statistiXL 2.0

... Contingency Tables, Correlation (Simple, Partial, Multiple and Canonical), Linear and Circular Descriptive Statistics, Classification and Grouping Discriminant ... Binomial, Circular, Normal and Poisson, Simple and Multiple Linear Regression, Regression Comparison, Nonparametric Tests such as Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis and ...

Rt-Science Tools2D for Delphi

... bars, bubbles, OHLC (western plot), candle stick * Linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differential, integral * Auto updating, auto scaling, ...

PSPP x64 1.6.2

... PSPP x64 can perform descriptive statistics, T-tests, linear regression and non-parametric tests. Its backend is designed to perform its analyses as fast as possible, regardless of the size of the input data. You ...

XLSTAT 2022.4.5

... statistical and multivariate data analysis package. It includes regression (linear, logistic, nonlinear), multivariate data analysis (Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, K-means, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision trees), correlation tests, parametric tests, non parametric tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, mixed models and much more. Field-specific solutions allow for ...
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GMDH Streamline

Successful businesses work in collaboration with complete transparency across the entire supply chain. The manufacturing process is full of circumstances – complexity in the statistical forecast for manufacturing planning, timely order of raw materials to prevent material shortages, and excess inventory turning into a value. All of these processes require lots ...

Statistical Analysis Calculator Software 7.0

This software offers a solution to users who want to look at basic statistics for a set of numbers quickly. This software calculates: mean, median, mode, variance, sum, standard deviation, average deviation, coefficient of deviation, total, square total, and variance. By processing numbers with a simple interface, this software will save ...

OptiVec for Visual C++ 8.0.1

... a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, interpolation). 7. Graphical representation of data in Cartesian coordinates. 8. ...
software award

OptiVec for Delphi 8.0.1

... a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Comparisons (e.g., as building blocks for time series analysis). 7. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, ...
software award

Kalkulator 2.41

... or cubic spline), statistics (mean, s.d., histograms, polynomial regression), column operations on stat data, polynomial roots, linear algebra (vector/matrix operations and systems of linear equations). Hard-to-find features: systems of non-linear and differential ...

XLSTAT Mac 2018.3

... statistical and multivariate data analysis package. It includes regression (linear, logistic, nonlinear), multivariate data analysis (Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Correspondence Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering, K-means, K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision trees), correlation tests, parametric tests, non parametric tests, ANOVA, ANCOVA, mixed models and much more. Field-specific solutions allow for ...

STATOOL Statistics and Probability Tools 1.9.7

... A and B events. - Graphics: scatter plot, regression curve, bar and histogram charts. - Distributions: Normal, t-Student, Chi-Square, F-Snedecor, Binomial, Poisson. - Regression analysis: Linear, Logarithmic, Exponential, Power, Quadratic. Easy and fast to ...

Data Curve Fit Creator Add-in 2.90

... functions include polynomial fits and a versatile local regression (loess) function. Interpolations include linear, cubic spline, bessel and monotonic 'constrained' splines, as well as a 'flexible spline' that allows you to specify the slope at each data point. ...

OptiVec for Linux GCC / CLang 8.0.1

... a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, interpolation). 7. Complex number math, both in cartesian and polar ...

OptiVec for GCC 8.0.1

... a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, interpolation). 7. Graphical representation of data in Cartesian coordinates. 8. ...

OptiVec for C++ Builder 8.0.1

... a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Comparisons (e.g., as building blocks for time series analysis). 7. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, ...

OptiVec for Lazarus / FreePascal 8.0.1

... a wide range of model functions from simple linear regression to non-linear models with multiple data sets. 5. Statistics. 6. Comparisons (e.g., as building blocks for time series analysis). 7. Analysis (derivatives, integrals, extrema, ...

CurveExpert Basic 2.2.3

... data can be modelled using a toolbox of linear regression models, nonlinear regression models, interpolation, or splines. Over 30 models are built-in, but custom regression models may also be defined by the user. ... easily. FEATURES: · Over 35 built-in regression models to choose from, along with over 15 ...
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Estimate Missing Climate Data 1.0

... employs a diverse set of methods, including Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), for simulation with other stations. Additionally, interpolation methods such as Linear and Akima, along with strategies like LOCF (Last ...

Linear Regression download notice

Top 4 Download periodically updates software information of linear regression full versions from the publishers, but some information may be slightly out-of-date.

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